There are various colors o-rings come in as each color has a secret meaning to it. The colors can indicate the type of material the O-Ring is based on, set by an industry standard. The industry standard was created throughout the years based on the common color these materials shipped with.
APG can supply any o-ring material with any color and you should never assume what material an O-Ring is based on color alone. The list below shows the most common colors associated with each material as the industry standard. If you need any more information, contact one of our experts.
**O-Rings can be a variety of colors. These are the standard color of the material based on the industry. APG can supply any color o-ring for any material**
Brown |
Rust Red |
Light Green |
Clear |
Green |
Yellow |
Purple |
At APG we have been providing our customers with the o-rings they need since 1943. In that time, we have learned a lot about manufacturing the best quality o-rings on the market, as well as how to assist our customers in purchasing the products that are best suited for their specific applications. Shop our o-ring selection now, and if you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact us or look into our knowledge base to help find the right answer. We look forward to exceeding your expectations in both quality and service.